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my dearest love~~
21 October 2012@10:31:00 am

My Dearest Love, wan mohd jefry..

In the middle of my loneliness and longing, in the middle of being so alone in a place where no one seemed to care, you came to me. You found me there. You lifted me up and you give me hope..My dear, you give me the kind of love that I have never received from anyone before.Now I am wrapped around your loving arms and I feel so secure with you. You always told me to never let go and never give up on love because "everything in this world begins because of love". I want to thank you for that..I would be lost without you. I so much appreciate the way you bestow your love and care to me. I know deep within my heart, you are here to stay. We will stay happy together and grow much deeper in love together, trusting each other.  And, Your love opened my eyes ... I never knew what really love is until I knew your love and so everything else became clear. .You have touched my heart in a very special way and you make me look to tomorrows expectingly, excited about the good things to come..I prayed and longed for LOVE that grows like flowers in the fields, for LOVE to feel as time goes on, for LOVE I'll care till the end, for Love I'll cherish and keep forever.You're the one I have been waiting for, you're that someone special I've been longing for.

Now I know, my life will always be a beautiful thing that bloomed out of your love for me..thankss my dear..