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8 January 2013@9:48:00 pm
currently at PTAR1, study..konon.. weyh, tomorow paper i oke ! gilee ape taa study..lamaa betul taa update entries ni, yelaa..last update tgh bahagiaa lg, now skrg tak lg..huhu k, tanak cakap pasal cinta dah ! frust oke ;( 
now, aku dh bjaya. keluar dari segalaa kekeciwaan ini, wuhuu ;p *ayat sedapkan ati* puihhh !

hey,wake up la iqa ! dont worry..
it happens to everyone as they grow up. find out who u are and what u want, then u realize that people u've known forever don't see things the way u do. So ? u keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on ! oke iqa ? ahaa ;) peace ! 

stay focused, tgh final exam ni.
3 paper daa lepas, tapi semuaa mcm kearah kejahanaman ! adehhhh susah naa mati, pulun study dh, tapi time exam taleh jawab, camno haa.. 
mungkin sbb ?

semangat yg hilang.kbai