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a fews months.
24 April 2014@2:15:00 am
just nak share~
cerita yg lama cerita yg sama and berulang kali terkena. kesian !
Almost 4 months maybe, idk its too short or too long for me. But its hurting me so much. Gile !
 So, I was pretty pretty pretty much down in the dumps. 
I have fallen in love with an incredible guy, but because of some issues I couldn't handle, we broke up. RATHER BADLY. I was devastated and tried so hard to pursue him after, but he wanted NOTHING to do with me in the months that followed. I was so hurt and so upset, I didn't know what to do. My family my friends, so many people said that it wasn't worth it and to just move on. 
But I knew in my heart it was meant to be.
Sy sayang awk ! I know he knew about it but he cant be with me.
Yeah, tak semua perkara indah !  
Im totally heartbroken when he finally told me that he wanted me to leave him alone for good, hati mana bole terima oih ?! the day after day I prayed and prayed because of what? because I loved u so much. 
and Im crying at the night then suddenly I fell asleep. its wasn't worth it !
Past is past. Dah xde jodoh nak buat camne kn. Let it go. 
Insyallah something good is waiting for us.

For the first time, in such a long, long time, I know, I'll be okay. Enuf ! 
I won't suffer, be broken, get tired or wasted, surrender to nothing, I'll give up what I started, and stop this from end to beginning, a new day is calling, and I am finally free.

itu jmyhssn. 
u baik, dan i tanak salahkan u atas ape yg jdi.
 awk bukan jodoh sy, maybe.
 hopefully u bahagia dgn life u skrg.