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its a new me. alhamdulillah.
24 April 2014@12:05:00 am

I know I'm not perfect, but lets face it, nobody is. 
Yeah, everyone have their own story, rite ? hm. 
We all had our ups and downs, some smiles and frowns, we all have bumps and bruises, we all have our twists and turns, and we have some scars that still burn. 
But, don’t forget ! everyday is an opportunity to have a fresh start. 
It doesn't matter what happened yesterday all that counts is today. 

I'm here to let you know that everything is gonna be okay, let the past be the past because today is a new day! A new day is a priviledge to me so i’ve to start afresh, and forget about the worries of yesterday, take the advantage of a new day and make the best out of it, never let my past destroy what comes of tomorrow.

Starting from now, please iqa ! 
Don't involve yourself in meaningless troubles.
 Find what will make you happy and smile because today is a new day ;)